Sukiyaki & Shabu-shabu Recipes

It is getting colder and colder everyday…your fantastic hot pot season has arrived! I will share with you two great Japanese hot pot recipes.  When I was in Japan, I used live in  Hokkaido (way up in the freezing north of Japan), so we used to have NABE (clay pot) parties all the time in winter (like Aussies have BBQ’s in summer).  NABE parties are a fun (& yummy) way to warm up. Who knows…you make come to look forward to winters in the future with 2 delicious recipes.



Lot’s of my customers have asked me, “Can you put a sukiyaki recipe on your website, Saori?” so…here is my recipe. Actually, I didn’t like sukiyaki until…until I finally made it the other night. The reason I didn’t like sukiyaki was simply because my mum used to make it with cheap sweet sauces (that she had bought from a supermarket). My mum didn’t like beef so she never ate it. All she did was cook all the vegies & beef and then flavour it with a cheap sukiyaki sauce . She didn’t even taste test it before serving. I made my sukiyaki sauce totally different from what my mum used to use. It is not over sweetened (it has no white sugar) and it is all natural. I was shocked, I LOVED my sukiyaki.I think this recipe is going to be one of my regular dishes for winter time. YUM. Many thanks to my customers who requested a sukiyaki recipe from me!!

Check SAORI’s Sukiyaki Recipe



Shabu Shabu is a Japanese dish featuring thinly sliced beef boiled in soup. “Shabu Shabu” is the sound of the meat being swished back and forth in the soup. The beef is so thinly sliced that it cooks in only a few swishes. Our son loves saying “shabu shabu…shabu shabu…shabu shabu” as he cooks the meat.

Check SAORI’s Shabu Shabu Recipe

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SAORI’s Japanese Recipes on my blog

SAORI’s Japanese Recipes on my website



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